JavaScript Mini-Projects Portfolio......
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Welcome to my portfolio of JavaScript mini projects! Here, you’ll find a collection of diverse and interactive web applications that showcase my skills in front-end development, API integration, and user interface design. Each project is a unique solution to a common problem or an engaging tool meant to enhance everyday tasks. Explore these projects to see how I bring functionality and creativity together.

Image Search Engine Web Application

Users can search for images using keywords,
and the app fetches results from the Unsplash API

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To do list

Auto Saving Using Local Storage And Delete And New function

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Quiz Using API Site

Categorized Technical Quiz using API integration

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Random Password Generator and Key Board copy feature

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Notes Maker

Random Password Generator and Key Board copy feature

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Age Calculator

Guess The exact age with days, months, and year.

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Random Quote Generator

Random Quote Generator using API and post functionality to X (formerly Twitter).

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QR Code Generator

QR code Generator for any text and URL.

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Toast Notification Bar

On certain triggers specific types of Notification will appear for a certain time limit.

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Music Player

With all music controls

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controls-stop,start and .

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Pop Up Notification

A Popup-info with animation.

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Password Hide Show

Show and hide password when toggle.

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Dark Mode

adding dark mode effect when toggled.

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Form Validation

checks if the field entered is valid or not.

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Image Gallery Transition

scroll on x-axis and image transition and controls.

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Email Subscription

email subscription are stored in google sheets .

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Password Strenght Checker

checks the password strenght according to input

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Text To Speech

listen the text input on different voices

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Website Launch countdown

countdown timer

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CryptoCurrency Information website

cryptocurrency information website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
It displays the current value of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and
Dogecoin on the homepage.

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Drag And Drop Elements

web application that enables users to easily drag and drop
list items between two containers.

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